Our regional network of service providers plays a vital role in the quality of life of older adults of the High Country. Community based services are accessible through our network of contracted service providers and offer a low cost way to help keep individuals at home and in their community as long as possible.
The funding for these services comes through the Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) and is administrated through the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services. The HCCBG was established in 1992 under NCGS 143B-181.1(a) (11) and was devised as a "common funding stream" for a comprehensive and coordinated system of home and community based services for older adults. Learn more about the HCCBG.
The High Country AAA's regional service provider portfolio of services includes, but is not limited to: general and medical transportation, in-home aide, nutrition services, health promotion, respite, housing and home improvement, adult daycare, information and assistance, insurance counseling and legal services.
Click here for a contact list of High Country Area Agency on Aging service providers (PDF).
Alleghany |
Alleghany Council on Aging |
Karon Edwards |
(336) 372-4640 |
acoa7986@skybest.com |
Ashe |
Generations Ashe |
Patricia Calloway |
(336) 246-2461 |
patriciacalloway@generationsashe.org |
Avery |
Avery Senior Services |
Philip Adams |
(828) 733-8220 |
philip.adams@averycountync.gov |
Mitchell |
Mitchell Senior Center |
Kathy Garland |
(828) 688-3019 |
kathy.garland@mitchellcountync.gov |
Watauga |
Watauga Project on Aging |
Angie Boitnotte |
(828) 265-8090 |
angie.boitnotte@watgov.org |
Wilkes |
Katelyn Pruitt |
(336) 667-7174 |
brockp@brocinc.com |
Wilkes |
Wilkes Senior Resources |
Sheri Chapman |
(336) 667-5281 |
sheriwsr@gmail.com |
Wilkes |
RPB Adult Day Health Care Center |
Jennifer Snider |
(336) 667-2541 |
executivedirector@wilkesadultdaycare.org |
Yancey |
Yancey Community Center |
Jackie Thomas |
(828) 682-6011 |
jackie.thomas@yanceycountync.gov |