Tammy Nelson

Aging Services Coordinator
828-264-3592 or 828-265-5434 ext. 139

Tammy Nelson serves the High Country in the Aging Services Coordinator role. Tammy manages the Lifespan Respite Program and our State Health Insurance Information Program grant, and works as a liaison with our Senior Tarheel Legislature group while coordinating AAA outreach efforts. Tammy comes to the agency with 20+ years administrative experience in healthcare and human services. Her experience includes work at the Foley Center, providing outreach opportunities for Medicaid enrollment, and working for Watauga Medical Center, where she earned “employee of the year” honors. Tammy is highly involved in our community including supporting efforts such as Safe Kids and Joy Prom. Tammy is highly involved in her local church, serving as a Deacon. We are excited to have Tammy at the COG and on the Area Agency on Aging team.